The classic tale of a damsel in distress and a brave knight that rescues her....with a twist. The damsel is a prostitute and the knight is a rich business man. Pretty woman may not be your average lovey-dovey film but it is sure in the cannon of the Top "chick flick" movies (number 6 on Yahoo).
The movie is about Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts), a prostitute in Los Angeles who is hired by Edward Lewis (Richard Gere). The unlikely pair find that they fall in love and Edward becomes Vivian's saviour and prince charming.
Julia Roberts and Richard Gere have an amazing chemistry in this film making you fully believe in these two characters. Others obviously appreciated the acting because Julia was nominated for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe (in which Richard was also nominated). The two were nominated and won other awards as well.
Why would this film be considered a "chick flick?" The rags to riches is a common theme in many movies directed at women. If not exactly rags and riches, it usually is along the lines of the female character changing from an unfortunate situation to a more favourable one. There is also the common theme of the knight in shinning armor that rescues the poor female, as well as the idea of love, relationships and friendships.
According to Film Junk and Film School Rejects (as well as other sites) Pretty Woman is a "chick flick" that guys enjoy! So it isn't just me saying this, others actually believe it too. Why wouldn't guys like it? There is nothing that should scream "chick flick- stay away." Yeah it's about love but what movie doesn't have some aspect of love in it? And besides this ones about a prostitute. A movie with a little something different, not just your average guy and girl.
So as always, if you haven't already seen the movie (which I will make the assumption that most have), watch the trailer and see if its right for you!